spx update

Monday, July 29, 2013

At this point is possible wave 4 of 5 already finished. Possible target for wave 5 of 5 is 1710/1730.

P.S. I'm on hollidays but I will try do at least 1 update for week. Good trades to all!

SPX update

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Maybe the bearish weadge finished at 1700. To confirm this SPX must stay below the 1690.

ending diagonal underway?

spx update

Sunday, July 21, 2013

My count suggest wave 5 of 3 is underway. Possible ending diaginal or bearish weadge at this wave.

spx update

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

SPX update

Monday, July 15, 2013

At short term the count still valid and let's see how will play the ending diagonal. Good trades to all.

SPX update - Short term count

Seems since 10th July, SPX is labelling an ending diagonal. Possible target is 1680-1685. Good trades.

SPX update - Big picture

My last big picture fail since I'm expecting new highs and because at this point the expanded triangle don't make sence. SPX above the 1575 make my big picture very bullish as I show in the following charts. Good trades to all.

spx update

Thursday, July 11, 2013

This strong uptrend invalidate my short term count :(. At this point new highs at short term is the obvious count. During the weekend will review my long term count. Best trades to all.

spx update

Monday, July 8, 2013

No triangle formed in sub wave b and this sub wave c may be extend up to the 166x's. Good trades to all.

spx update

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My primary count is wave b of Y is underway labelling a triangle. Good trades to all.

spx update

Monday, July 1, 2013

Following my last update two options are possible:
1) Wave b of Y finished on friday (red and orange counts)
2)  Wave a of b of Y finished on friday (green count)

The time and price action are perfet for the bear case  but somethimes the market don't do perfect things. Good trades to all.


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