SPX daily update

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Após observar a "big picture" desta onda iv acho que poderá haver fortes possibilidades desta onda iv principal ter acabado. Este facto devesse à extensão ocorrida neste novo downtrend. No entanto, apesar de preferir a visão bear, deixo duas contagens possíveis para se puder discutir os possíveis cenários.

After observing the "big picture" of this wave iv, i think there's a strong possibility that this wave reached its end. I had this vision also because the form and extension of this new downtrend. Despite this, i present two different counts (one bear and another bull), which can be discussed, as allways.

DAX dialy update

Após observar a "big picture" desta onda iv acho que poderá haver fortes possibilidades desta onda iv principal ter acabado. Este facto devesse à extensão ocorrida neste novo downtrend. No entanto, apesar de preferir a visão bear, deixo duas contagens possíveis para se puder discutir os possíveis cenários.

After observing the "big picture" of this wave iv, i think there's a strong possibility that this wave reached its end. I had this vision also because the form and extension of this new downtrend. Despite this, i present two different counts (one bear and another bull), which can be discussed, as allways.


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