Welcome Mrs P3

Friday, October 2, 2009

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Maybe DAX made a truncation and begin P2 at September 29th.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

This is my Primary count. However i have some doubts with my wave ii (rose).

Nice trend line

Latter i will show my count for DAX.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

The last bull case is dead :))). Truly this is, as PH showed yesterday , some wave iii :))). Welcome bears :)))!!!!!! Latter i will show my primary count, which
is very similar with last chart posted by PH.

Last hope for the bull case

The last count for the bull case! The bears need more than that!

SPX daily update

Well well well! How about that!? Is it P3 coming? Or is just another correction? I think the answer lies first, in the 1016/1020 support and second in 1000 point support.
Hope you had your stops in place cause today...was a bear killer. Sorry for the bad call on the nasdaq. We have now a bear count. If you still bull just switch rose 1,2 for an a,b , and let the wave finish. I'm out for now, for me this is a 50/50 scenario.

Best to your trading

SPX daily update

My last count didn't work and the bullish wedge died before born so the big wave arrived.


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