Good weekend

Friday, March 6, 2009

Time to rest and relax. Today i made small daytrade but i close my short positions during the evening. I will do the respective updates during the weekend. All the best in this weekend for all of you.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Hard work and hard market. Still not believe this is the minor wave iv.

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DAX intraday update (Part 2)

Two diferrent counts for DAX.

SPX and DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Impulsive wave made in this last movement. Respect your stops and protect your capital.

SPX daily update (Part 2)

Another alternative count. I will not trust any rally until overcome the 724 points.

SPX daily update

The market like to do what everbody don't expect. Yesterday everbody expected a sell off (and we get a rally). Today everbody expect the continuation of the rally and we get this sell off. So it's important to have an open mind and have one valid strategy.

Now we are again in no man's land. I can see 5 micro waves to the down side so this minor wave iii may had finished. On other hand, this wave can me expanded. So, if SPX do new lows, this down trnd my accelerate. If SPX overcome the higher high of yesterday is already on minor wave iv. I will wainting for more signals but i don't trust in this bull signals.

DAX daily update

The downtrend continues and the waves of DAX still confused. On other hand keep in mind a possible H&S's.


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