SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some corrective combination? Maybe is missing one wave v to complete this downtrend. Later i will do my updates.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

My two cents for this morning.

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SPX daily update

As DAX, this downtrend movement has been or is about to be finalized. I think is missing one mini wave v down to complet this downtrend.

DAX daily update

O DAX mostrou-se mais forte do que o SPX e para mim continua a desenhar uma cunha descendente. Por outro lado, parece-me que este movimento descendente já foi ou está quase a ser finalizado.

The DAX was stronger than the SPX and for me continues doing a ending diagonal triangle. Moreover, this downtrend movement has been or is about to be finalized.


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