What about the Nasdaq?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some thoughts about the Nasdaq.

Best to your trading

DAX daily update

Wave iv still underway and very close to finished. So next week SPX will have new highs. Good weekend for all of you :)!

DOW daily update

Hello there.
Today i leave a Dow update and all the shots were taken using my new software. The name is Metatrader 4, and in my opinion, with the right combination of indicators, can really give traders a good hedge. Just google it and give it a try. Before that you never want to hear about that Saxo platform again. Because it was created forex based, I recommend GCI metatrader, as GCI is a broker with all that indexes that we want: SPX, NDX, DAX, Gold, etc.
On the next updates i will talk a little about harmonic trading since it was the primary reason for this change.

Enjoy and best to your trading


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