Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well, i tried to correspond the colors and numbers in all the charts so you can se the large count in "zoom in".

I know this is a very bearish count, but...It's hell in do you solve the problem of excessive debt? You raise the debt in 750 billion!!! LOL

If u asked same question to a children i think it would respond: if my dad don't have money i can't have toys.
But what could a children know? This guys are the best in the best, the elite...the...

We are in big doodoo!

SPX daily update

Following my last update, these are my preferential counts at short term.

SPX and the big picture!


Just a simple update for GBPUSD since my last EW's count suggested new lows. Despite this, at short term it's still something missing to the downside.


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