SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Today is not a good day for me cause my internet problems and some stuff to do in my work.
Despite this, and after some time i decide to change my primary count as i expected another down wave. Maybe SPX will close the 107x's gap. Let's see what "they" will do.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Sill have problems with my internet connection. Today we have 5 waves down so it's possible SPX is doing wave ii of C od E.

Computer Problems

Today have some problems with my work computer and until now I don't have internet connection. Wainting for some developments.

EDIT: Computer problem already resolved so I'm online again :). Huge sell off  and didn't expect this. I will try to see alternative counts after lunch.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Sorry my friends, but yesterday I fell asleep making it impossible to do my daily update.
For short term SPX already is in wave iii of C of E and a new rally is very possible.
My alternative ("bearish") count (chart not showed) suggest, SPX only now, is finishing  wave i of C of E.
Best trades to all :).


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