USDJPY (Trading idea)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quick update. Pattern in formation ( not formed yet )

Best to your trading

SPX daily update (Part 1)

First of all i want to apologize for not having done any intraday update but today I was in a important meeting for much part of the day.
Today i'd like to remember my long term count and some alternative options. For the short term i will count this last selloff as part of wave D of this huge bearish hedge. We must have some values broken to confirmation of the end of P2. Until now, the bears only show they still alive. My first alternative count is very similar with my primary count but, but if we don't broke 1039, we can count this wave Y as a simple ABC. For now i have truly doudts of the end of P2 but as everthing is possible i will show the EWI primary count (my alternative bearish count).

Harmonic trading - Butterfly Bearish

Another pattern shows up today and sadly i didn't see it. Can´t be always at the computer and when we are on small time frames we loose lot's of those. That's why i prefer 1 hour minimum to trade. This one is a Bearish Butterfly and you learn a lot about it if you fallow this link. 2D patterns can obviously be bullish or bearish but the software paints the pattern with a specific color in witch one of the cases for easiest identification. Again, all this is completely free and you don't need Christmas time to get it ;). We are having some troubles with disqus comments so if sometimes we don't answer don't take it badly :).

Best to your trading

SPX daily update (Part 1)

We can't trust to much at these choppy waves but at short term this is my primary count.


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