Holidays Time

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Today I will leave on holidays to Croatia, until 29th July so I wish you all excellent trading weeks until my return. However, during my absence, this "home" will have a special guest with daily updates through my great friend Ph Neutral, who is also an excellent ellottitian. Until my return enjoy some pictures from Croatia.
P.S - See my last SPX and DAX updates below this poster.

DAX daily update

Looks like DAX is doing, also as SPX, in this wave iv some kind of triangle. Expect some test at the 5100's and then some pullback until the 4800's.

SPX daily update

At short term looks (cash chart) wave iv is still underway but as i sayed at July 16 this principal wave (i or a) may will finish at 95x's. If this occurs the wave ii or b may will do 50 % Fibonacci retracement and the gap between 905-912 will not filled.


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