SPX daily update

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Since the 115x's highs SPX finished for the first time above the MAE's 20 and 50 for the first time. Despite this, I expected a false sinal for the bulls... but at same time remains an warning for the bears.

At short term seems (after all) wave C could expand a little more than expected. So the 1118 may will be tested soon.

SPX intraday update (Part 4) - Bullish Case

Some bulls request me one alternative (bullish) count. Personaly, I don't like this count but if the prices will stay above the 50 and 20 MAE's we must take this as an warning (for the bear case)!

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

At short term today or tomorrow expect new highs .

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Some thoughts about the spx at medium/short time.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Possible count at short time.

Robert Prechter: Dow To Triple Digits

Last interview with Robert Prechter.


We hit the area that i was expecting. Let's see if now we come down.

Good luck


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