SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Some trend lines and resistence/support areas to control.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

At short time the waves still messy and for now i will count this downside as abc correction.

SPX daily update (by PHneutral)

Hello friends.
In complement of my friend's work i will leave my view of the markets.

Fridays movement was an impulse up (and some correction) and that make me suspect that this market has a little bit more to go. We can't be correcting impulsing up, we just can´t. In my charts in try to justify this sentence in Friday's weakest of the indicies, the Nasdaq.

In resume I believe that we can go higher in direction of 1040/1050 on SPX and that we can be developing an extended blue wave 5. If we start correcting... oh well, a new count is always possible even against the probabilities. Can´t wait for Monday :)

Best to your trading.

SPX daily update

This weekend didn't have time to do what i propose but i what to show some different counts for possible discussion in the comments. For now i prefer the options 3 and 4.


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