SPX - by moguita - update

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This is my short term count.

Good luck

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

After talking with Moguita decided change my primary count (trucantion only at futures). Thanks my friend you are the best :))))!

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Following my last updates this is my primary count at short term. These flat tops may suggest another alternatives (e.g. trucantions) but, for now, I will follow this EW's count.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

As I warned this morning the bulls should keep the 111x's area. The bullish momentum was lost and the bears, for now, take the control!
So, this price action suggest my alternative count at medium term is underway!
This count will prevail if SPX stay below the 111x's area.

Moguita and me have different vision on EW's count at long term so you must keep this in mind :).

Immortal - Unsilent Storms in the North Abyss  Wacken 2007

SPX daily update

At these values the bulls must react but with this lows at 1105 the bears and the bearish wedge began to win strength!


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