SPX intraday update (Part 2)
Nothing new to add but the clock started playing tic tac....Possible final target at 1040-1042.
EDIT: A new high was made and 5 waves were completed. If you want to play a 20 point short term short position, this is the spot. Tight stops and low risk.
SPX intraday update (Part 1)
New highs in the morning messy the waves pattern but i will consider this action as irregular wave iv.
SPX daily update
As my friend Ph made the short term count for SPX, today i only made the update of big picture (similar count showed in last friday). Similar count for DAX as i post last monday at: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEipAcC9k6vwudFsxVmyf751FSDG8vyQgCchRvixSwIIo41HNK04yXmPbMCDY3nMmvTjSvcAn80QNNFNf2GE6i01T-H2DRohynjUNHyc3UMByv3ONbU9kQv9M5QxISz-udhd013nm1vBy6Gt/s1600-h/dax1.jpg
EDIT: Ph showed our primary count and i show the alternatice count for this subwave a: