Good Weekend
Friday, October 30, 2009
P.S. Today I work very hard and made already my SPX count. Please see it below this post.
The signals are very bearish and have no ideas for the bull case, so it's time to make them (bulls) suffer.
EDIT: Today my count already was made. You can see my new primary count at SPX intraday update (Part 3). See you tomorrow.
Happy weekend and try to forget this risky market. See my last NEW charts on SPX dialy update (below).
Good weekend to all and rest well.
Today have some problems with my work computer and until now I don't have internet connection. Wainting for some developments.
EDIT: Computer problem already resolved so I'm online again :). Huge sell off and didn't expect this. I will try to see alternative counts after lunch.
Wave i of C of E of Y of P2 finished. Very soon my chart.
My last update is still underway so tomorrow i will expect new highs for SPX. Good night to all and see you tomorrow!
Forget the wedge and SPX is doing sub wave iii of v. Chart very soon.
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