SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Possible triangle is my alternative count.

Nasdaq100 update

It seems the Nasdaq is ready to go upper...

On the long term... (remember this post?)
Well, here is the updated chart:

Best to your trading

SPX daily update

The last wave to heaven is still underway.

SPX intraday update (part 4)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hard to know if wave b or ii of E already finished.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

I would like to see in this wave "b" or "ii" a triangle. To early to label this wave but it's a personal guess :).

EDIT: No triangle but only a bullish wedge. Chart very soon.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Wave "a" or "i" of E is near to finished.

Freezing Moon

The freezing moon period is coming!

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Last wave to heaven...

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

For now i don't have any comments to do.

SPX daily update

After some rest i decide to publish this count, where wave A of E may finished at 107x's. This last wave E may finished between 1090 and 1110 points and the duration will be between 5-8 days. The end is near...the bloody war will began very soon and we should prepare for this.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Maybe wave "a" or "i" of E finished. At short time my Ew's count was changed and latter i will show the respective changes (this wave "i" or "a" was label with extended wave v).

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Just follow the waves...

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Nothing new to say... After 3 days of correction wave D maybe already finished and now SPX is doing the last wave (wave E) of P2.


Possible top for XAUGUSD at medium/long term. Let's see what they do at 16.x's support.

SPX daily update

Another lovely weekend finished and another hard week began.
On the big picture I changed the label of "my" possible bearish wedge. However at short time my count still valid and alive. I truly believe it's missing one last upside (and new highs) to finished this bear market rally (P2). On other hand, the bears must work hard to make believe P3 already began.

EURUSD Update - Gartley Pattern

Possible emerging gartley bear forming.

Good Weekend

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Time to rest and to enjoy the sun of autumn :). To all, i wish a great weekend and keep smiling :).

PS. Please respond to my poll and let me know your opinion about this sell off.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Possible bullish wedge is forming or already finished.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Today's action don't seems to bullish and actually i'm a little more bearish than yesterday as you can see in my chart.

SPX daily update

For now everthing happen as expected so I don't see any reason to change my short and long term count. My last update still valid and tomorrow for sure i will show more charts :). Good night to all of you.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My primary count for DAX (medium and short term).

PS1. At SPX I already count 5 waves (wave C?) and maybe the bottom was made at short term. For now i just see a perfect abc. You can see this in my last SPX intraday update.
PS2. Please respond to my poll and let me know your opinion about this sell off.
PS3. Moguita try in your last comment do in english (I must show this problem to Disqus). Thanks.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

My two cents.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Control the trend and the 104x's area.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Possible short term count.

USDJPY short term expectations...

A little update Elliott wave based in conciliation... If the pattern doesn't form, just ignore those USDJPY posts ;)
We are having some troubles with disqus comments so if sometimes we don't answer don't take it badly :).

Best to your trading

SPX daily update (Part 2)

For short term wave D began and may last only 2/3 days then i expected new highs again. My last chart is a possible count since the new highs (1 minute chart). Don't forget my primary and some alternative long term counts are post below of last PH USDJPY update.

USDJPY (Trading idea)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Quick update. Pattern in formation ( not formed yet )

Best to your trading

SPX daily update (Part 1)

First of all i want to apologize for not having done any intraday update but today I was in a important meeting for much part of the day.
Today i'd like to remember my long term count and some alternative options. For the short term i will count this last selloff as part of wave D of this huge bearish hedge. We must have some values broken to confirmation of the end of P2. Until now, the bears only show they still alive. My first alternative count is very similar with my primary count but, but if we don't broke 1039, we can count this wave Y as a simple ABC. For now i have truly doudts of the end of P2 but as everthing is possible i will show the EWI primary count (my alternative bearish count).

Harmonic trading - Butterfly Bearish

Another pattern shows up today and sadly i didn't see it. Can´t be always at the computer and when we are on small time frames we loose lot's of those. That's why i prefer 1 hour minimum to trade. This one is a Bearish Butterfly and you learn a lot about it if you fallow this link. 2D patterns can obviously be bullish or bearish but the software paints the pattern with a specific color in witch one of the cases for easiest identification. Again, all this is completely free and you don't need Christmas time to get it ;). We are having some troubles with disqus comments so if sometimes we don't answer don't take it badly :).

Best to your trading

SPX daily update (Part 1)

We can't trust to much at these choppy waves but at short term this is my primary count.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A quick chart cause i must dinner and rest a little. All waves since yesterday seems corrective so at short term this is my primary count. See you latter :).

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

EDIT: Bulls in control and at same time we can have a possible inverted H&S's . On other hand this wave v may be an bearish wedge. Let's see what "they" do!

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

At short term seems wave v of C of C is in play.

At medium/long term my bearish wedge still in play and after this wave v of C of C maybe will have a small pulback and then again new highs to finished this P2.

EURUSD Update - Gartley Pattern

Hi there. As i told you before, we are now working with a new software that automatically detects some kind of patterns. On todays example, and because the pattern shows up today, we will show you the Gartley pattern, maybe one of the most powerful patterns of harmonic trading. I'm sure most of you don't even know what is a Gartley (i didn't know it last week too), but if you google it i'm sure you clear all your doubts ;). Harmonic trading basis is establish a series of relations, Fibonacci numbers based, between price AND time, and draw a 2 dimensions pattern that can be used to identify the end of movement. Of course, no pattern can guarantee new highs or new lows. The most usual to get with these is a Fibonacci retracement 38,2%; 50% 61,8%, etc... A little confuse at the beginning but the screen shot speaks for it self.

SPX daily update

Today was a strange day. NDX made new highs and DAX invalidate my count. On other hand SPX had a choppy session and it is difficult to label this pattern. Short time seem's that is missing one last wave to the downside. However, the odds suggest new highs will be made very soon.

P.S. Anyone having problems to add comments? I can't reply to none of you (Disqus problem ). Thanks to Creepy, Moguita, Jorge and Carlos for your analysis.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Boring and choppy session. Still have doudts if wave iv already finished. Latter i will show my charts.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Seems is missing one last wave to the downside.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

No to much secure with this count cause DAX already intercept wave i with iv.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yes, that´s right! Never thought to make it but i did... I've started to study this pair too. Many thanks to Carlos (http://followmarketrend.blogspot.com//) that make me develop a big interest on it!

Best to your trading.

What about the Nasdaq?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Some thoughts about the Nasdaq.

Best to your trading

DAX daily update

Wave iv still underway and very close to finished. So next week SPX will have new highs. Good weekend for all of you :)!

DOW daily update

Hello there.
Today i leave a Dow update and all the shots were taken using my new software. The name is Metatrader 4, and in my opinion, with the right combination of indicators, can really give traders a good hedge. Just google it and give it a try. Before that you never want to hear about that Saxo platform again. Because it was created forex based, I recommend GCI metatrader, as GCI is a broker with all that indexes that we want: SPX, NDX, DAX, Gold, etc.
On the next updates i will talk a little about harmonic trading since it was the primary reason for this change.

Enjoy and best to your trading

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Possible expanded triangle.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

My options for your consideration

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

For short term the waves are not clear if wave iv already finished but very soon maybe DAX will have some pullback to complete wave d of this large wedge of wave Y (big picture).
You can see this count in SPX big picture charts on:

SPX dialy update

Still have some doubts if wave iii finished. However if tomorrow we have another choppy session the odds suggest this count is correct. Now is better wait and see outside.


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