SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My new count.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Don't change my last count but is hard to count this nano waves so maybe is missing one wave to new highs.

EDIT: Ups count not valid.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

My micro wave chart.

SPX daily update

Sorry the delay but I had to confirm, from the March lows, all the counts and different patterns since i saw alot bullish EW's counts on different blogs. This is my principal count because i count 5 diferent patterns from March lows. SPX must have a decent correction from tomorrow or friday. In the short term count it's possible SPX do another residual high but after that it may fall as a rotten apple.

P.S. Thanks to all, that comment my last update.

SPX daily update

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

SPX will made new highs tomorrow? What you think about it? Comment and later i will make my EW's count (it's in my mind and for now it's top secret :))))

DAX daily update

The odds suggest new highs on DAX cause appears it's missing one wave to finished this pattern.

SPX daily update

Today i was inspired and i put some nice pictures on it. About waves...what i can say? Double zig zag?!?! So, i expected one (and last) wave up to finished this wave (Possible E (with residual higher high) or wave ii of A of B).

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I simply hate this waves :((((. Today spx made a perfect test on the trend line and i continue to expect (again) new highs .

SPX and DAX daily update

Only now I'm leave of work (midnight in Portugal) so i can't do my updates however my last update is still valid. The patterns are very messy to think that we began the principal wave B. Control the trend line and risk manegement is very important. I'm out with this chopy chopy waves .((

SPX intraday update (Parte 2)

Monday, April 27, 2009

My old count is still valid so i change again may principal count and expect new high on sxp to finished this principal wave C. In these days is better control the trend line due i only see abc's and possible correctives waves. This last movement appears to be an abcde wave but the count of this morning is still valid. Messy patterns so i covered my shorts and i will waiting to see what happens.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

Alternative count for DAX (and spx) on short term.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

For now this is my principal count for DAX.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

As i told yesterday, it seams SPX completed an abc (with c=a) and 5 waves since last week lows. So i change my principal count.

SPX daily update

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today i have some time to see SPX charts but the last 10 minutes on Friday's session complicate my counts.
Since the last week lows i already may count a complete 5 waves and a complete abc with c=a. Truly, i was expect a bigger sub wave v to finished this movement at 88x's but with the last 10 minutes on Friday's session, maybe this upside movement had finished our if not the sub wave v (final wave) will do some kind of ending diagonal or wedge to complete this mayor wave C.

EDIT: If SPX didn't made new highs i will (again) considerate this upside like wave ii or B of B.

Good Weekend

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Finally weekend. My work is killing me hardly. During this weekend i'll update my charts, but until now i don't see any reason to change my count.

SPX daily update

Friday, April 24, 2009

Maybe is missing one wave to finished the wave C. The trend line is very important and the 835-840 area. Below this area the bears win this short term battle, until that the bull are winning.

DAX daily update

This last movement was confused and unexpected so, keep in mind the trend line of my chart. I will considerate this movement like "missing wave e" of C. So i only will considerate that this movement is wave ii of iii of C when DAX broke the trend line.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I covered my shorts on 845 points. Don't like this upside so i give this alternative count.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Possible count for DAX.

DAX daily update

Similar count for DAX (see my ideas for SPX).

SPX daily update

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sorry guys, today i had hard day of work and had only time to see the last 30 minutes of the session. However, my last update worked like i expected. Today this wave B or ii had finished, so for tomorrow i expected the continuation of this down side.

DAX daily update

Similar count for DAX (see more on SPX daily update).

SPX daily update

Don't change my count despite the interception of the micro wave iv with micro i of v of "a" of 2 or B. If this wave "a" of 2 or B is not finished i expected only residual highs.

EDIT: If SPX extends a litle more this uptrend and test the 855 area maybe this count is not valid and the waves "iii" and "iv" must be "a" and "b".

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I think this wave is close to finished.

EDIT: My possible wave iv intercept wave i so this count is not valid. Maybe this wave v is doing abcde or already finished. I need more data to understand better this movement.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

Maybe is missing one wave down to finished this wave 1 or A. similar count for spx.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

My count (draft) for this wave v.

P.S. I continue to expect your support by clicking once per day on the AdSence(google's advertising).

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Not change my count despite the small retrace for this last wave iv.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Finally i have similar counts for DAX and SPX.

SPX daily update

Monday, April 20, 2009

Today SPX had a good sell off but tomorrow i expected one small correction and maybe test the 50 % of Fibonacci retracement. Nevertheless, i'm not sure if this wave "iii" already finished.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Possible count for SPX.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

Possible count for DAX.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

The wedge was broken and the new wave (ii) began.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

The wedge was broken and i can see a possible impulsive count.

SPX and DAX daily update

New trend is confirmed. Latter i will show my charts :).

SPX and DAX daily update

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Last friday i didn't do any update cause i expected the new trend confirmation. This don't happen but my last charts are still valid. So this new wave (ii) maybe will began on monday, but first it's possible news residual highs (not sure). My stop is on 885 points.

DAX daily update

Friday, April 17, 2009

To early to understand if SPX made the top today, but i don't be suprise if will do (residual) new highs. DAX have similar count.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No suprises until now. So i expected new highs and then a good sell off.

Blog News

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time to see another battle... YES WE CAN!!!!!

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Don't like choppy counts but this is what can be doing.

P.S. I continue to expect your support by clicking once per day on the AdSence(google's advertising).

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

An alternative count.

SPX intraday updayte (Part 1)

Choppy session with overlap weaves, so i don't change my count.

DAX daily update

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

After some weeks away i decided short again DAX. As i told this afternoon, new highs would perfect to enter short. Despite this and to have a similar count with SPX i made a few changes in my count. I will take into account the DAX behaviour if tested the green trend line.

SPX daily update

Despite this decline and knowing the alternative bear count i still prefer my principal count, until the broke of the trend line (bold green). On the other hand, this last movement until know don't seems impulsive so maybe is possible new highs during this week. Despite this count, i enter short today. For me, the bull case chart is "finito".

DAX intraday update (Part 3)

Control de trend lines. New highs and i will began to short dax.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

So far so good :).

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

My alternative bear count for spx.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

I find 5 waves in DAX but i don't think this upside is already completed.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

My two cents for todays session. Small impulsive waves for principal wave 3 no? Any comments?

SPX daily update

New highs were made! And now? Well, i need more data to understand better this pattern.

In the bear case, on SPX cash, since last week lows, we can see 5 waves done. However in cfd's, SPX made an interception with the possible micro i and iv. So, in Cfd's i'm count this pattern like an ending diagonal triagle or a rasing wedge. Consequently, SPX can made one more high to finished this pattern.

In the bull case (each day that pass i like less this count), SPX may will do a small retracement but must accelerate this upside with a good rally.


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