DAX daily update

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Similar count for DAX.

SPX daily update

I think it's better count todays wave as wave B of ii despite the missed interception with the wave i of A. The last half hour on SPX was probabily the beginning of wave C of ii.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Whith this uptrend i must change my count and see this movement as wave B of ii.

SPX intraday update

Looks like an wedge.

DAX daily update

I have two possible counts for DAX but, as i expect one minor wave iv for spx, i prefer the similar count for DAX. Despite this, i expect some support in the 3940 area due is the 50 % of the retracement.

SPX daily update

Monday, March 30, 2009

I changed a little the mayor wave 1 to put the minor wave "e" on the struture of this wave. I short term, SPX is doing the wave "a" that can be finished in the 770's, to close the last gap. After this, i expected one corrective wave (wave "b") followed by another pullback that can finished between the 50 and 62 % of Fibonacci retracement. This area is an important support for SPX and i expect some rebound after this test.

DAX intraday update (Part 3)

Alternative count for DAX in cfd's.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

DAX in cash made already 5 waves down, so i expect some retrace in this values.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

SPX in cash seems on wave iii.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Need more data to understand this movement but i have some alternatives. Or SPX made a failed wave "e" and is already on mayor wave ii or is doing one ending diagonal. At this point i not sure which one is better count.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Looks like impulsive.

Good weekend

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another choppy session that didn't brings nothing new to my Elliott count. So, i don't change my last update. Next week i expect a new high and then a good pullback. A great weeekend for all.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Not seems impulsive, just choppy choppy.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Possible inverted H&S's with target on 835, to close this mayor wave 1.

SPX daily update

Choppy session and truly don't expect that. To my last count still valid, tomorrow SPX must go gap up or start the session with strain to break the 820-840 area. As today, i don't see any impulsive waves, maybe this wave v of 1 can finished like an ending diagonal or some kind of wedge.

SPX daily update

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

SPX complete 5 waves and maybe this mayor wave "a" or "1" is complete. However the last half hour to close SPX make me think about one extention on the wave v of mayor "a" or "1". So far the market is very bullish so the odds are better on the bullish case. If we broke today highs maybe this uptrend close on 880-900 points. If this is already the mayor wave "b" or "2" i still think the 750 is the final target.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

My two cents :).

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Possible count but i prefer new highs due this wave, since the highs, seems to me a triangle.

SPX and DAX intraday update (Part 1)

New highs in SPX and DAX, the ideal setup to finished this uptrend.

SPX daily update and big picture

We are living historical times and therefore we must take all the advantage we can from these moments. The actual uptrend have contributed to split up Elliotticians opinion about the following path. According to the majority, they believe we are already living an historical rally, but there are few of us that still consider we are heading towards new minimums.

In order to achieve a rich and fair debate, i let all these thoughts for your judgment.

Personally, although yesterday i pointed out the end of wave V, i prefer the new minimums approach. The motives are unequivocal when you see the chart Nº3. Despite all that, the actual probabilities support bull counts, for that reason the next wave development should enlighten us whether we reach new minimums or not.

In short term i think it's missing one last wave to finished this countertrend.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Choppy session where the wave (iv) of iii of v made a double zig zag and now the wave (v) is doing some kind of ending diagonal or wedge. I expect more choppynes due SPX will do the wave iv of v after close the wave iii of v (don't sure if already had finished).

SPX daily update

Still have some problems with my computer but i'm here to made the SPX update.

With those new highs during the morning, showed that the bull countertrend count was incomplete. So, since March SPX is in the Primary wave 2. My target for this wave will be between 38 and 50 % of Fibonacci retracement during, at least 6 months. However, this first minor wave can finished during this week, between the 84x's and 87x's, as you can see in the pictures.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Monday, March 23, 2009

If SPX made new highs this wave v can be expanded.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

I count 5 waves since Friday's lows so SPX may had finished this wave. Enter short again with stop in the new highs.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

I don't have any bullish count for DAX. My prefer count for it is the same: ending diagonal triangle. Any one can put a bull case for DAX? I appreciate that.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

During this weekend i had several problems with my computer. Due to this i don't made my updates. About the spx, i don't have more doubts that had already finished the minor v. This new upside made me choose the bullish case due i count the thursday and friday movement like an abc. So, i expect new highs soon. My prefer count says that spx is on minute wave iv or is already on minute wave v of minor 1.

Good weekend

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Finally the bears had a great day. I expect a gap down in next monday and the continuation of this new trend. For all, i wish a great weekend and keep smiling :).

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Seems some kind of wave iii so this is my prefer count. Let's see what happen until the end of the week.

DAX intraday update (Part 3)

Broken the ending diagonal triangle and at same time can be activated the H&S's.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Impulsive wave in this last movement :)).

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Choppy session and i still can't see impulsive movement in this correction.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

My friend Ph gave me a gift and help me with the big picture. Thanks a lot my friend :).

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

The big picture is choppy and i haven't time to see it better (only during the weekend) but it looks, since yesterday, a potencial impulsive movement. However, this rally, since the lows, still not seem impulsive.

SPX daily update

Currently i have two counts that can be valid. Why two different counts? Just because this last downtrend seems more a little correction of this large upside than the beginning of a new trend (see 10 minutes chart). Nevertheless, the inversion trends, sometimes, began with some choppy action. So keep the eyes on the trend chanel and try to understand if the movement is impulsive or corrective. Until now i can only see a simple corrective movement.

Due to this, if SPX made another higher high i will admit that already has began the Primary wave 2. The last chart are the potential trend lines which can stop this "bull(dog)" movement.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

SPX (in futures) made the nano wave v and now is testing the trend line. Hope can broken very soon. If this not happen maybe is another abc and the uptrend is not finished.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

Despite my last bear count i expect the last higher high in spx today.

SPX and DAX daily update

I still don't see any reason to change my counts. DAX continue do some kind of the wedge and SPX is in an area of high resistance. At least i expect an huge pullback, so i will keep my shorts in.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Difficult days to understand where we are. I'm in a fight to see clearly if DAx is already on minor wave v. I prefer the DAX cash count but it's possible that minor v has began (Cfd's count). If DAX is not in the minor wave v, it miss only one minor wave up to finished.

DAX daily update

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

At DAX, this time, i also preferred count in cash. Looks to me some kind of ending diagonal triangle.

SPX daily update

Today i prefer to count the spx cash. Here we can see clearly that is missing the wave v of C. When i began to see an impulsive movement during the afternoon i suspected that was something wrong. But when i saw DAX in a corrective moviment i reenter short until my last intraday update. I think this wave v of C can go next to the 800's but with the RSI divergence i don't believe that can overcome this resistence.

SPX intraday update (Part 3)

I have serious doubts if we are already in the minor wave v. Maybe will be finished today :((.

DAX intraday update (Part 2)

I hate this market :((( but i re enter short again.

SPX intraday update (Part 2)

I don't like this movement. Close part of my shorts to see what happens.

SPX intraday update (Part 1)

My two cents for the afternoon.

DAX intraday update (Part 1)

My two cents for the morning :).


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